The Cosmic Kaleidoscope
Summer 2024 Newsletter
“ Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future. ” - Robert H. Schuller
The Expanding Cosmic Kaleidoscope
I am thrilled to announce a new website that represents the vision of our saṅgha as it has grown over the last seven years. I hope you will enjoy meeting the awesome teachers who are partnering with me and creating the opportunity for students to pursue studies that are transformational and deeply respectful of the source. We hope those who visit will be inspired and the content will touch the minds and hearts of all of you. There is a very special surprise jewel somewhere in the website. Hoping you all find it.
Hope is the Thing with Feathers
The immortal words of Emily Dickinson form a soaring metaphor for the resilience of the human spirit. Just a ray of sunlight, a hint of hope and the human spirit embraces even just the possibility that adversity can be conquered. Somehow that capacity for hope lodged deep in the soul gives strength and resilience even in troubled times.

The sweetness of hope is a unifying force capable of moving mountains. It is one of the most precious resources of a human being and when it moves to a collective, anything can happen. And it never asks a thing of us. It is just there. Here is the complete text of the poem that I hope resounds in all of your hearts over the coming months:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.
The Race is On
I know I can’t get away with not showing the chart of Kamala Harris. This is not the forum for detailed predictions but a couple of comments on her chart are warranted, comments which might not be the run of the mill.

For example, I am struck by the symmetry of the graha distributions. Jupiter and Mars are on either side of the lagna followed by Venus and Moon being equidistant from the lagna in the 3rd and 11th and Sun/Mercury in the 5th equidistant from the lagna with Saturn in the 9th, completing the pattern. In śāstra there are specific descriptions of planetary distributions that constitute a number of yogas but they all exclude Rāhu and Ketu and are thus formed by the seven “true” grahas. They are known as Nābhasa Yogas.
Interestingly, if Mars and Jupiter were in the 1st and 7th, it would have been a Cakra yoga whereby the native would be “an emperor at whose feet will be the prostrating kings’ heads”! Ah so close but no cigar. However, along with the symmetrical pattern present in Harris’s chart, note that like the Cakra yoga, the seven grahas occupy six separate bhāvas.
This is known as a Dāma or Vardāma yoga meaning a garland or line. Not every Dāma yoga, however, is made in such a symmetrical way and that close to being a Cakra yoga. This symmetry might heighten the positive results that are indicated across the śāstras for the Dāma yoga—statements such as helpful to others, famous, generous, devoted to public welfare, patient etc.
The other comment I would like to make involves the Rāja Yoga of the 5th and 9th lord, which I have dubbed a “trikona rāja yoga”. It is formed by Venus and Saturn. This catches my attention for a couple of reasons. The first is that Harris is running a Rāhu daśā and Venus bhukti starting in February 2024 so this yoga will be operative. And even more importantly, transiting Saturn is back in its natal position recreating that yoga and will remain there until early spring 2025. I will leave it at that for now.
Media Corner - The Audacity of Hope
This seems like an appropriate time to revisit the book that changed history. Its message of hope caught fire and the messenger became the first African American president of the US. Perhaps history will repeat itself.
Thank you for reading The Cosmic Kaleidoscope Newsletter © Penny Farrow, Summer 2024 |
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